What is Mental health? World mental health day. What should we know? How mental health matters to everyone?
October 10 is celebrated as World Mental Health Day.

October 10 is observed as World Mental Health Day. This day has been celebrated since 1982. Many people do not know what mental health is or they have to think differently about mental health. It is not ingrained in our minds yet. Emphasis is placed on providing treatment.
Mental illness is on the rise in and around the world.A large number of organizations working on mental health and brain related diseases ,these mental health institutions should be set up and the research on school mental health, community based therapies done through them needs to reach households. Mental health is a possibility we don’t consider in our ordinary lives. You may think that you are mentally ill. But this perception is wrong. Mental illness can happen to anyone. We have to take preventive measures realizing that there is no difference between rich and poor. Many companies conduct mental health programs. However, such special programs for housewives and students are rarely organized. Some of the personality development programs talk about mental health, But it is also very important to get guidance from trained and expert people. Otherwise, misconceptions about mental illness will continue to grow. Everyone’s health, ie physical and mental health, should be the responsibility of that nation.

Mental illness and mental stress deprive us of happiness in life. It is necessary to seriously consider that the hope of survival decreases.
The words stress and depression are always on our ears but it is a mental illness. Probably a factor as to why they’re doing so poorly. Therefore, every year on October 10, World Mental Health Day is celebrated through the World Health Organization to raise awareness about mental health.
Corona is causing you many challenges. This year’s theme is ‘Mental Health in an Equal World’. What we experienced during the Corona era this year was the resources available to fight corona in developed countries. It was during this period that many people lost their lives due to lack of medical facilities. While all this was going on, the economic problems of that country came to the fore. Economic inequality has led to discrimination in many countries, where men and women, workers and officials, so this year’s theme is Mental Health in an Equal World. Due to the changing lifestyle and working style over the years, a large number of mental health patients are being surrounded today. Stress, irritability, anger, insomnia are some of the major causes of mental illness. The Corona epidemic saw many families on the brink of death as they could not help their loved ones. Many people could not get out of the shock that they had to endure after many months. So mental illness has gripped them. This has led to depression. The biggest blow today is in terms of employment, whether it is the loss of opportunities for economic advancement or mental health.
Sleep is more important in mental health.The first sign of mental illness is sleep deprivation in the same way that physical illness causes pain. Because sleep is of special importance in mental illness, the first effect is seen on sleep says mental health experts. So the first step to getting a good night’s sleep is to have no thoughts in your head, stay away from mobile and TV before going to bed, if you feel like it, listen to a good book or quiet music. Because just as the body gets sick, sometimes our mind gets sick because of some pain. So person should consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. Mediation,yoga, Fitness Exercises and other recreational activities may help to reduce depression and will improve the mental well-being of the person.

It is clear that the general public’s approach to mental illness as a whole is not yet scientific. Many superstitious people are still trapped in the trap of superstition and patriarchy.
Misconceptions in the society
Misconceptions about psychosis in the society even today, fall prey to patriarchy. . Ordinary citizens as well as relatives of the patient do not approach him. What is special is that there is also a misconception about this disease that the patient does not reach the doctor by misunderstanding that it is not a disease but someone has practiced witchcraft or sorcery. But when they arrive, it is too late. Therefore, patients with such mental disorders should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

People most of the times they think about superstitions and go for quacks. That is why a lot of work has been done to create awareness about mental health. Mental health should be checked instead of falling prey to demon possession and other such things. Change the mindset and live a happy life by accepting the reality. Some people use social media because they do not express their fears in front of anyone. If you want to avoid this, you should not exaggerate anything, you should avoid the excess of screen mobile. Tobacco and alcohol should be avoided. Stay away from negative people. Expecting too much from real life, not fulfilling it also leads to many problems. The simple solution to this is to be happy for mental health, to accept reality in some cases, to change our mindset and to have a good routine so that we can live our life in a better way and also help to stay away from mental health.

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, let’s try to take care of our mental health and make every moment golden.

NOTE– Our aim is to give you information about diseases, we do not recommend you any kind of medicine, treatment, surgery. We are just a means of providing general information about disease, surgery, treatment and medicines to our viewers for education purpose only. The information provided should not be used for the diagnosis and/or treatment of any disease or medical condition without the guidance of your physician
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