Vitamin D deficiency in the body not only causes bone problems but also mental problems. Deficiency of VITAMIN D; Not just the bones but the brain as well.Know how?

What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a substance whose greatest action is to control blood calcium levels and bone health. Calciferol is unique in the case of other vitamins: in addition to being obtained through food, it can also be produced in our own body, by sunlight. Therefore, all other vitamins can be taken only in the diet, but with adequate exposure to sunlight, your body can get enough vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency adversely affects mental health. Vitamin D deficiency exacerbates depression. We start thinking of trivial things and it causes us mental distress, says psychiatrists.About Vitamin D, only bone health is taken into consideration. Vitamin D is good for bones, which you get from sunlight. But deficiency of vitamin D in the body not only causes bone problems but also mental problems.

Vitamin D is neuroprotective, regulates the immune system and helps with calcium balance. It is also involved with regulating many genes important for brain function. Although vitamin D is thought of as a vitamin, it acts as a neurosteroid and plays important roles in the brain.
vitamin D activates and deactivates enzymes in the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid that are involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and nerve growth.” In addition, animal and laboratory studies suggest vitamin D protects neurons and reduces inflammation
According to various studies, vitamin deficiency in sunlight is associated with mental disorders. Mental health related diseases like depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD can be caused due to deficiency of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Studies have shown that many people suffer from depression due to vitamin D deficiency. This is because vitamin D receptors are spread throughout the human brain and low levels of them can make you a victim of mental disorders. Low vitamin D not only affects your mental health but is also linked to high blood pressure. Low levels of vitamin D are associated with hypertension.
Vitamin D may protect the brain against cognitive decline and dementia. Over half of the people in the U.S. are deficient in Vitamin D, according to recent studies. There are several reasons for this common vitamin deficiency, including the lack of exposure to the sun —which the body requires to produce Vitamin D. As people age, the ability to synthesize (produce) and absorb Vitamin D is reduced. Obesity also lowers a person’s available Vitamin D, because this fat-soluble vitamin gets trapped in fat tissue.
A 2014 study, published in the journal Neurology, indicated that people who were extremely low in Vitamin D had twice the likeliness of developing Alzheimer’s disease. If a person is unable to spend 10-15 minutes in direct sunlight each day between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Vitamin D supplementation of 1,000–2,000 I.U. per day, or more, may be required. As with all other supplements, Vitamin D must be taken only with the approval and supervision of the treating physician (e.g., blood tests may need to be monitored).

Further studies are required to completely understand the role of Vitamin D in brain health.
Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem. Get enough vitamin D through adequate sunlight and supplements. Overdose can also be dangerous. So consult a doctor for that too.
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