Gout is a painful form of arthritis. When your body has extra uric acid, sharp crystals may form in the big toe or other joints, causing episodes of swelling and pain called gout attacks. Gout is treatable with medications and changes in diet and lifestyle.

What are the Couses?
Themain cause of gout is increased levels of uric acid in the blood. Let us now see how this acid is formed in the body.
DNA and RNA are the basic substances in cells that we know. Purines are a nitrogenous component in these complex molecules . The cells in the body move around every day. When old cells are destroyed, these purines disintegrate and uric acid is formed.
It is also made in the body from dietary DNA / RNA. It is further excreted in the urine by the kidneys. Therefore, it is low in blood (male: 3-7 mg / dL ). This proportion is even lower in women. Let us see why it is not desirable to increase it even a little.
An important property of uric acid should be noted here. This compound dissolves with great difficulty in water . Therefore, as long as it is within 6.8 mg / dL in the blood, it remains in its dissolved state. When it grows beyond this limit, it forms rocks that cannot be dissolved. These stones then accumulate in the joints and kidneys. This is gout.
Not all people with elevated uric acid levels get gout.

Foods that may cause Gout
Red meat and seafood. Meat (especially organ meats like liver and sweetbreads) and seafood (like fish and shellfish) can be high in chemicals called purines.
Sweetened drinks. Sodas and juices flavored with fruit sugars, like high-fructose corn syrup, can trigger gout flares.
Gout is usually associated with metabolic syndrome. This illnesses are:
• High blood pressure
• Diabetes
• Chronic kidney disease
• High cholesterol and TG
• Obesity
Sometimes it associated with is hereditary components.
Increased blood levels of uric acid:
Most of the uric acid produced in the body is excreted in the urine. Therefore, in good health, his blood level is only between 3-7 mg / dL. Its upper limit is 7 in males and 6 in females.
Decreased uric acid excretion:
This issue applies to 90% of patients. The causes are:
• Heredity
Chronic kidney disorders
• Excessive alcohol consumption
• Drug side effects: These include aspirin and some diuretics

Two types
Acute attack of gout :
In most patients, there is acute inflammation of one joint and that joint is the toe. This joint is very swollen and hurts a lot.
In the case of a small number of patients, several joints become swollen at once. These include heels, knees, fingers and elbows. This inflammation of joint condition is also known as Gouty Arthritis.
Arthritis subsides within a few days after this stroke. Then it reappears after a while. In this way the shocks become more frequent and more intense.
Chronic gout: After about 10 years, these patients develop chronic gout . Uric acid stones (tophi) accumulate in many places such as joints, muscles, earlobes and kidneys.Such patients are more likely to have a heart attack in the future .

How Gout is diagnosed and treated?
With a thorough study of the symptoms of the disease, a physical examination can be performed by a doctor.
Some blood tests can be done to make it easier to diagnose:
Blood tests can be done to determine serum uric acid levels.

X-ray of affected joints
Examination of synovial fluid in the joints : This is a true diagnosis. When examined under a special microscope, the fluid appears to contain uric acid-like crystals.

Ultrasound scans are performed to find out whether the fluid in the joint is initially crystalline.
Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is performed to examine bones and soft tissues.
Outline of treatment:
1. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
2. Long-term treatment includes medications that lower blood levels of uric acid. It has three main types and functions:
a) Increasing uric acid excretion in the urine
b) Decreasing the production of uric acid in the cells.
E) Decomposition of uric acid: For this enzyme uricase is given.
Different drugs are available depending on the cause of the patient’s illness, the appropriate medication is given. These drugs need to be taken permanently.
3. Dietary management: This includes drinking plenty of water, limiting meat intake, avoiding alcohol (especially beer) as well as fructose-based soft drinks, and controlling your weight.
Gout can be treated as follows –
Managing pain-induced pain with non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs.
Diet and lifestyle changes
Losing extra weight
Alcohol should be avoided.
Avoid purine rich foods (red meat or organ meat).
Changing or discontinuing medications related to hyperuricemia (e.g. diuretics).
Use things that reduce uric acid such as
Allopurinol.(with doctor’s consultation)
Self-management strategies
Eat a healthy diet.
Citrus fruits-Fruits like oranges and lemons are a rich source of vitamin C and citric acid. Including these foods can help you maintain healthy uric acid levels in the body, since they can efficiently flush out the excess uric acid.

Low-fat and nondairy fat products, such as yogurt and skim milk.
Fresh fruits and vegetables.
Nuts, peanut butter,olive oil.
Get enough physical exercise. Such as ,areobic exercises, yoga and walking.
Take home message
Basically, it is caused by a diet or lifestyle that impairs metabolism. If we improve lifestyle and eating habits and do regular exercises the incidence of gout in the society will be reduced.
NOTE– Our aim is to give you information about diseases, we do not recommend you any kind of medicine, treatment, surgery. We are just a means of providing general information about disease, surgery, treatment and medicines to our viewers for education purpose only. The information provided should not be used for the diagnosis and/or treatment of any disease or medical condition without the guidance of your physician.
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